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Supported by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

Contract no. 245459


European SME Week, 15-21 October 2012

This campaign promotes enterprise across Europe and is taking place in 37 countries, so events and activities – national, regional or local – will be as close as possible to existing and potential entrepreneurs. >> More...


Final Workshop – 'Impact of innovation support measures in SMEs of traditional sectors: Results of GPrix project', 28 February 2012, ENEA, Brussels, Belgium

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Reports > 7 regional reports with an analysis of regional R&D&I policies in the target 7 regions

Deliverable 1.5 - 7 regional reports with an analysis of regional R&D&I policies in the target 7 regions (30th November 2010)

This document (241 pages) reports the GPrix research on the regional R&D&I policies in the target seven regions.  For each region, there is a detailed description of the available R&D&I support programmes, particularly those accessible to SMEs in traditional sectors.

In addition, the West Midlands (UK) study (pp.47-48, 51 and 81-82) assesses the quality of existing evaluations of innovation support programmes. This analysis provides detailed examples of a general GPrix finding: namely, that while existing evaluations can provide useful information on the process of programmes, they typically do not provide rigorous evaluation of programme effectiveness. This is because these “evaluation” studies do not adhere to best practice evaluation methodology. In turn, their claims of additionality and subsequent calculations of returns to investment are of questionable validity.

Full report: 7 regional reports with an analysis of regional R&D&I policies in the target 7 regions