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Supported by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

Contract no. 245459


European SME Week, 15-21 October 2012

This campaign promotes enterprise across Europe and is taking place in 37 countries, so events and activities – national, regional or local – will be as close as possible to existing and potential entrepreneurs. >> More...


Final Workshop – 'Impact of innovation support measures in SMEs of traditional sectors: Results of GPrix project', 28 February 2012, ENEA, Brussels, Belgium

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Reports > Methodological Implementation Guidelines

Deliverable 1.1 - Methodological Implementation Guidelines (30th June 2010)

This document (34 pages) includes:

  1. The project objectives and research questions
  2. Working definitions of
    1. Innovation and innovation-related concepts;
    2. Innovation programmes;
    3. Programme evaluation and evaluation concepts;
    4. The “Culture of evaluation” (to which GPrix contributes); and the
    5. Traditional manufacturing sector, with an example to illustrate how the GPrix definition is applied (note that GPrix rejected the characterisation of traditional manufacturing in terms of “low-tech”).
  3. The GPrix methodology in 10 steps.
  4. Templates to ensure uniform data gathering and analysis across the seven regions covered by the GPrix partners:
    1. the “Questionnaire Survey” for SMEs (the draft GPrix questionnaire shows the questions in common with the MAPEER – a sister project to GPrix – questionnaire);
    2. description and analysis of “Innovation Programmes” and their performance;
    3. analysis of the “Regional Economic Fabric”;
    4. description and analysis of “Regional Research and Development and Innovation (R&D&I) Policies”; and
    5. the “SME case studies”.

Full report: Methodogological implimentation guidelines