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Supported by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

Contract no. 245459


European SME Week, 15-21 October 2012

This campaign promotes enterprise across Europe and is taking place in 37 countries, so events and activities – national, regional or local – will be as close as possible to existing and potential entrepreneurs. >> More...


Final Workshop – 'Impact of innovation support measures in SMEs of traditional sectors: Results of GPrix project', 28 February 2012, ENEA, Brussels, Belgium

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Reports > Impact assessment of measures on SMEs

Deliverable 1.7 - Impact assessment of measures on SMEs (30th November 2011)

This document (254 pages) reports the results of

  1. the GPrix online questionnaire survey and
  2. the subsequent case studies.

An introductory section on the GPrix methodological approach discusses:

  1. the survey sample, how the various partners set about obtaining responses from a representative sample of both programme participants and non-participants, and initial data cleaning and transformation; and
  2. how a sub-sample of firms were selected for detailed case studies.

Thereafter, Section 3 (pp.16-54) reports the results from the survey, which includes descriptive statistics and analysis for each question. Note that the econometric analysis of the survey database is reported in Deliverable 3.3 and, in detail, in an Appendix to Deliverable 3.3.

Section 4 (pp.55-254) reports the findings of 61 case studies on SME innovation, the role of innovation support measures, and how innovation support measures can be made more efficient and effective.

Some tables are not completely readable in the pdf version. In this case, please consult the Word version.

Full report: Impact assessment of measures on SMEs (PDF file)

Full report: Impact assessment of measures on SMEs (Word file)