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Supported by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

Contract no. 245459


European SME Week, 15-21 October 2012

This campaign promotes enterprise across Europe and is taking place in 37 countries, so events and activities – national, regional or local – will be as close as possible to existing and potential entrepreneurs. >> More...


Final Workshop – 'Impact of innovation support measures in SMEs of traditional sectors: Results of GPrix project', 28 February 2012, ENEA, Brussels, Belgium

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GPrix innovation policy support survey

A great number of measures currently exist to directly or indirectly support innovation in Europe, including measures supporting technology transfer, incubation and access to finance. These measures play a key role to help organizations to innovate better and faster, by addressing specific market and system failures hindering companies, and in particular SMEs, to fully exploit their innovation potential. It is important that lessons are learnt from such measures, in particular as regards their effectiveness, i.e. how well are the measures adapted to the local targets and how do they succeed in converting inputs into outputs. The GPrix project will do precisely this; it will assess a set of regional innovation support measures in a representative set of European regions characterized by a large number of SMEs from traditional sectors.

This survey collects information on the impact of public innovation support on your enterprise during the five-year period 2005 and 2009 inclusive.

All information gathered will be treated strictly confidentially and will be used only in connection with this project. No company data will be transferred to third parties.

The survey is now closed.

The GPrix questionnaire survey

The SME survey was conducted both online and by mailing paper questionnaires.  The online version is no longer available. For reference, the English-language version is available.

English langauge questionnaire